Dorimanx Kernel v5.6
After countless hours of work non stop! I have finally managed to merge full Samsung update 4 TO 7 kernel!
Many of my common linux updates are wiped, and other functions added!
but they are from Samsung! so it’s COOL for us!
So all that was merged with SG3 are back to our SG2 but to max updated version! 🙂
I have added/restored all that i had about all extweaks options and govs!
except ZRAM, need more time to adapt my drivers to new update.
Now SAMMY/JB-CM ROMS 4.0.4/4.1.1 will get working camera +wifi + BT!
and we get the latest updates!
Now the front camera working again! no idea what fixed it, there was so many things! it’s about 800000+ code lines!
It’s crazy! and i managed to do all that thanks to great Elite DEV GOKHANMORAL!
He has showed me how to! in many places that i was stuck!
Now my source is forged from GM 4.0 Kernel! 🙂 My huge respect to GM for help!
Now all my fans can have stable and great kernel, that will only grow more with each day!
[stextbox id=”download” caption=”Download”]
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